Saturday, September 5, 2009

Working away on a 3-day weekend!

I haven't posted for over a month, but I have been busy! Today, I have an empty house. My husband's team is playing in a water polo tournament out of town- and doing really well! I have made 2 Halloween kitchen towels, made a Christmas pillow, and finished my granddaughter Sammy's raincoat. It is for her birthday in October. The outside is an oilcloth...the first time I've worked with that!


  1. The raincoat is charming. Was it easy working with oilcloth? It must be nice to have the house to yourself - you seem to have made the most of your time. Now, if I could just get back into some kind of rhythym....Ann :)

  2. That has got to be the cutest raincoat ever! What a lucky granddaughter.
